Namrata on Choices Mothers Make

Life is all about making choices within constraints. For mothers, the choices are limited and often the choice architecture is construed as binary system of work or childcare. In the multidimensional life of a mother, the choices are shaped by social, cultural, economic and circumstances of individual lives. Though every mother is different and every motherhood experience is different, yet the similarities exist more than the differences.

In the series, ‘Choices Mothers Make’, we bring in perspective of different mothers about their stories of making choices

The first in the series, ‘Choices Mothers Make’, is by Namrata. Namrata is a mother of twins toddlers. She shares her story of choices.

Becoming A Mother

When we decide to rear our kids to grow into individuals who are healthy not just in body but in mind and spirit too, we become conscious of our conduct. We decided to take the plunge when we both realised that we have abundant love to give to a third person as well. It was a very conscious decision we both made after a lot of discussions on a myriad of topics. We became parents of two sweetest little humans.

Breastfeeding Journey

Our breastfeeding journey has been the most beautiful emotion that we all have experienced so far! We could take the journey of tandem breastfeeding for both the twins for six months without giving any top feed to them. Post six months, we followed the solids and semi-solids food along with the breastfeeding. Our breastfeeding journey ended when babies led their own weaning by two years of age.

Conscious Choice

I decided to put my career on the backseat to make myself available for my kids. Honestly, I don’t have any regrets about my choice. I was fortunate to witness all their milestones and celebrate them with joy.

Parenting Approach

We have tried our best to be as mindful as possible in the choices we make as parents so that we leave a beautiful earth for our children. Be it the conscious choices of clothes diapering, capsule wardrobes or practicing minimalism for toys. We have few meaningful toys on rotational basis. We keep life simple except for our love of books as a family. We spend a lot of time outdoors, in nature. Nature is an anchor for our happiness. 
My kids are almost 4 years old now. We are witnessing each moment of them growing beautifully into mindful toddlers. They know that their emotions are valued. They have a say in the decisions we make for them. They are heard! ‘No’ means ‘No’. We know our magic words and we don’t shy from accepting our faults. With them we both have grown emotionally, manifolds.

Caring for the Self

‘Caring for the self to be able to love and care for the children’ is what I practice for myself. I religiously pursue my hobbies. Every single day, I give myself time to paint and read books so that I feel being myself and end the day with gratitude.

Choices Mother Make is a series that captures motherhood experiences and the decisions a woman makes about all things related to motherhood.

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